X-Rated Home Video Timeline

Below is a timeline for all notable events pertaining to the distribution of x-rated movies. It should be noted that this website uses the term, “Home Video,” in two different ways. Firstly, it uses it as an umbrella term for the viewing of movies in the home, physical or otherwise. Secondly, its also the label given to the era in time where movies are being released on physical video formats.

June, 1971

“Pay-Per-View” Motels Are Tested

Computer Cinema Inc. begins testing a closed-circuit pay-per-view system at the Gateway Downtowner Motor Inn in Newark, New Jersey using various video systems. This is the public’s first taste of watching a full-length movie of their choice in a private, domestic-like setting.

August 21st, 1972 (Billboard, 1972/09/02, p. 45)

Adult Films are Made Available on Videocassettes & Cartridges

At VidExpo ’72, Video Programs International LTD demonstrates their prerecorded adult videocassettes line (probably 3/4″). These are likely intended for commercial businesses such as motels. This same month, the Cartridge Rental Network also makes available adult titles. These are among the very first legitimate adult titles made available on videocassettes or cartridges.

October, 1976 (Videography, 1976/10)

Home Cinema Service Advertises Movies on Videocassette

Home Cinema Service Advertises Movies on Videocassette

Joel Jacobson’s Home Cinema Service begins offering prerecorded U-matic and Betmax cassettes of public domain and adult films through advertisements in Videography Magazine.  

March, 1977

Entertainment Video Releasing Offers Movies On Videocassette

Entertainment Video Releasing Offers Movies On Videocassette

Mark Slade’s company, “Entertainment Video Releasing” begins advertising adult films on U-matic and Betamax in Videography magazine. They would later include a variety non-adult titles to their catalogue, likely public domain features.

October, 1977

Quality X Releases Adult Titles On Betamax and VHS

Quality X Releases Adult Titles On Betamax and VHS

Quality X forms to distribute adult titles on the new Beta/VHS formats. First advertises this month in Al Goldstein’s Screw magazine.