by slasherindex | Oct 1, 1977
Quality X forms to distribute adult titles on the new Beta/VHS formats. First advertises this month in Al Goldstein’s Screw magazine.
by slasherindex | Mar 1, 1977
Mark Slade’s company, “Entertainment Video Releasing” begins advertising adult films on U-matic and Betamax in Videography magazine. They would later include a variety non-adult titles to their catalogue, likely public domain features.
by slasherindex | Oct 1, 1976
Joel Jacobson’s Home Cinema Service begins offering prerecorded U-matic and Betmax cassettes of public domain and adult films through advertisements in Videography Magazine.
by slasherindex | Aug 22, 1972
At VidExpo ’72, Video Programs International LTD demonstrates their prerecorded adult videocassettes line (probably 3/4″). These are likely intended for commercial businesses such as motels. This same month, the Cartridge Rental Network also makes available...
by slasherindex | Jun 1, 1971
Computer Cinema Inc. begins testing a closed-circuit pay-per-view system at the Gateway Downtowner Motor Inn in Newark, New Jersey using various video systems. This is the public’s first taste of watching a full-length movie of their choice in a private, domestic-like...